I'm Carles and almost everything around me has to do with accordion; an instrument that captivated me from the first moment, and little by little, my life began to spin around it. A passion, transmitted mainly by the Trobada amb els acordionistes del Pirineu in Arsèguel and by the family Castagnari in Recanati, Italy.
Through the Trobada I learned to love the accordion on outside sharing many moments of music and experiences with great accordion players from our country and from all around the world learning from them each edition. A privilege close to home!
The Castagnari family make accordions for more than a century and in his workshop I learned to love the accordion inside. I feel privileged to have been able to learn in depth how it is and how it works an accordion guided by extraordinary people who have known to transmit passion for their profession. A learning that never ends when you do what you're passionate about!
In a world increasingly accelerated, there are still instruments that are built as before, no hurry. The accordions you can find on Taller de l'Acordió are the result of a dialogue between the experience accumulated over many years and the best technological advances. It is an instrument attached to his roots but walking towards future with bright look.
The Taller de l’Acordió borns of passion for this instrument from all areas: music and capacities, personality and free spirit, building and repairing, teaching and sharing.
The accordion is a very flexible instrument with many possibilities and very different characteristics between each. It is important that you find the most suited to your preferences and needs. For that reason I invite you to come to Taller de l'acordió to talk calmly.
Contact me and let's talk about it!